Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Tom Lumbers

Barts Heart Centre, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Tom Lumbers is Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at Barts Heart Centre and UCLH, co-Lead of the Genomics Group at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics, and Visiting Scientist at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. He received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at Imperial College London and trained in Genetic Epidemiology at University College London. His clinical practice is in heart failure and general cardiology. Tom’s research focuses on defining the genetic architecture of heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction to generate insights into causal factors and molecular disease mechanisms. He coordinates the HERMES Consortium (hermesconsortium.org), an international collaboration in heart failure genetics, and is co-lead of the phenotype working group at BigData@Heart, an EU public-private consortium (bigdata-heart.eu).

Genome-wide association analysis to better understand heart failure pathogenesis.

Event: Heart Failure 2021

Topic: Big Data Analysis

Session: Genomics and heart failure: are we ready for prime time?
