Speaker illustration

Professor Enrique Otero Chulian

Medical Center HLA Dr. Lobaton, Cadiz (Spain)

Head of Cardiology Department University Hospital Jerez (Spain) Hospital Vithas Nisa Aljarafe (Seville) Spain Enrique Otero Chulian is Phd, European cardiologist, and has been: 1985-1987, assistant professor of internal medicine, University of Cadiz; director prevention & cardiac rehabilitation unit at University Hospital Puerta del Mar (Cádiz), head cardiology department Hospital Jerez 2016-2018; training in nuclear cardiology, at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas & Parkland Memorial Hospital, EE. UU, by James T Willerson M. D. September-December 1984, sponsor of investiture as doctor “honoris causa” of the most excellence PROF. JAMES T. WILLERSON. University of Cadiz, Publications: 70 Actually, works at the Vithas Nisa Hospital in Seville

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