Rafael Sebastian is assistant professor at the department of computer science of Universitat de Valencia. He holds a PhD on Computer Sciences by University of Valencia. As postdoctoral researcher, he joined the Center for Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, supported by the Spanish government with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. He was responsible for the Computer Cardiac Modelling and Simulation Section leading several work packages in national and European projects such as the euHeart project. He returned to the Universitat de Valencia to start the Computational Modelling Simulation Lab (CoMMLab), which focuses on modelling of cellular, tissue and organ structures of the heart. Currently, he is interested in using machine learning techniques combined with biophysical simulation to study cardiac arrhythmia, and aid in therapy planning and optimisation. He has published 36 papers in peer-review journals .