Speaker illustration

Professor Cesare Sirtori

ASST Great Metropolitan Niguarda, Milan (Italy)

Prof. Cesare Sirtori developed a career of Clinical Pharmacologist. After the MD at the University of Milano obtained a PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Kansas, USA , and started in Milano one of the first major Lipid Clinics. The Center for Dyslipidemias follows over 10,000 patients and is a leading Center of research in hyperlipoproteinemias and non invasive monitoring of vascular lesions. Board Certified in Cardiology, has been Professor Professor of Clinical Pharmacology iin Milano and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Author of over 600 scientific publications, more than 400 on high standard journals, quoted in over 13,000 publications. Among the major observations: •recognition of the first mutant of apolipoproteins (apo A-IMilano) •description of the insulin-reducing effect of metformin (first demonstration of insulin resistance and correction by a drug) original data on mechanism of action of numerous hypolipidemic drugs

Nutrition, weight and cardiovascular disease: from womb to tomb

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Nutrition

Session type: Advances in Science
