Speaker illustration

Mr Pedro Jose Flores Blanco

University Hospital Los Arcos del Mar Menor, Murcia (Spain)

GRACE risk score better predicts in-hospital mortality and major bleeding than CRUSADE risk scores in acute coronary syndromes

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Acute cardiac care in the emergency department

Session: Prognostication in critical care: is my patient likely to survive


Usefulness of baseline and early changes in high sensitvity troponin T to predict 1 year mortality in type 2 acute coronary syndromes.

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: CAD and comorbidities

Session: Conditions with increased coronary artery disease risk


Development and validation of a simple prediction model for predicting post-discharge acutely decompensate heart failure in acute coronary syndrome

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Post infarction period

Session: Acute intensive cardiovascular care
