Speaker illustration

Doctor Claudia Mariana Cortes

Favaloro Foundation University Hospital, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Prognostic value of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in left bundle branch block and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction patients.

Event: International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT 2024

Topic: Systolic and Diastolic Function

Session: Best regional moderated posters


Prognostic value of left ventricular ventricular dyssynchrony in left bundle branch block patients

Event: ICNC-CT 2021

Topic: Systolic and Diastolic Function

Session: e-Posters


Impact of early post-stress LV Dis-sinchrony assessed by TC99m GSPECT myocardial perfusion: Ischemic patients vs. normal subjects

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)

Session: Nuclear Imaging ePosters


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