Speaker illustration

Doctor Hiroyuki Suzuki

Okayama (Japan)

Hiroyuki Suzuki is an assistant professor at Okayama University Hospital in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery. He specializes in congenital heart disease. Hiroyuki Suzuki's medical journey began at Hokkaido University, Japan, where he graduated with a Medical Degree in 2016. He began his doctor's career at Mitsui Memorial Hospital in Tokyo in 2016. After two years as a resident physician, general surgery and cardiovascular surgery residency programs have begun in 2018. To learn more about congenital heart disease, he moved to Okayama University Hospital, which is one of the most powerful institutions in Japan in the field of CHD in 2021.

Different microRNA expression in the right ventricular outflow tract myocardium of tetralogy of Fallot

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Surgery

Session: Molecular tools to understand the complexity of adult congenital heart disease
