Speaker illustration

Doctor Argishti Kristosturyan

Erebouni Medical Center, Yerevan (Armenia)

Argishti Kristosturyan was born in Armenia, where he cultivated a passion for medicine from an early age. His dedication to academic excellence led him to Yerevan State Medical University, where he graduated with a diploma of honor. Following his graduation, Argishti embarked on his professional journey as a cardiology resident at Erebouni Medical Center in 2021. In addition to his residency, Argishti serves as a doctor in an ambulance from 2022. Argishti's proficiency in multiple languages, including Armenian, Russian, English, as well as some German and French, has significantly contributed to his role as a translator for the Armenian Cardiology Association. His linguistic skills have enabled him to translate two essential ESC pocket guidelines, thereby making vital cardiological knowledge accessible to a broader audience and enhancing the resources available to medical professionals in Armenia.

Prognostic value of combined myocardial performance index in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Noninvasive Diagnostic Methods

Session: Risk stratification in percutaneous coronary intervention (3)
