University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands (The))
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Dr. Vaartjes is the head of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology group of the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. During her PhD, she studied the potential of linkage of (nationwide) registers for cardiovascular disease research (CVD). She focuses on Clinical Cardiovascular Epidemiology, CVD health inequalities (ethnicity, socio-economic position and gender) and CVD prevention. The past 10 years she also investigated inequalities in environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic disease and is WP leader in the Exposome-Nl consortium. She is member of the European Society of Cardiology Taskforce on Environment and Sustainability and member of the Primary Care and Risk Factor Management section of the EAPC. She was member of the ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee (2022-2024) and member of the Population science and public health section (2018-2024).