Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Radu Ciudin

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest (Romania)

1984 MD , Graduated from Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania 1990 Specialist in Cardiology 1991 Asist. Prof. of Cardiology 1995 Consultant Cardiologist 1992-1996 ESC Fellowship St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London , UK 1996 Head of EP and Pacing Dept., Prof C C Iliescu Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases 2001 PhD in Cardiology 2002 Senior Lecturer in Cardiology 2004 European Cardiologist 2006 FESC 2006-2008 Master Degree in Health Management 2009 Head of Clinical Cardiology 4 Dept. EP &Pacing 2016-2018, ESC/EHRA /European Heart Academy -DAS-CAM - CARIM+, Cardiology, University of Maastricht, NL. 28 books/chapters author/co-author More than 220 medical journals papers/ articles/abstracts ResearchGate Radu Ciudin 15,31 Past VicePresident of Romanian Society of Cardiology (RSC) Past President RSC and present VicePresident (Bucharest Chapt) Membership: NASPE/HRS (1994) British Cardiac Society (1995) Rotary Club (Past President)

Temporary cardiac pacing using active fixation permanent pacing lead and re-used permanent pacemaker in anticoagulated patients

Event: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2016

Topic: Arrhythmias

Session: Arrhythmias, general
