Speaker illustration

Doctor Paolo Giovanardi

Azienda USL Modena, Modena (Italy)

-Born in Modena (Italy), 14 th July 1967. -Married -3 children -Profession: Medical Doctor. Specialities: Internal Medicine (Emergency) and Cardiology. Clinician with interest for: interaction heart-lung, risk stratification in high risk patients (diabetes and hypertension), echocardiography, internal medicine, immunology. First author and coauthor in more than 50 pubblications. 20 years experience in cardiovascular medicine, actually occupied in primary and secondary prevenction (especially in high risk patients) and in follow-up of acute coronary sindrome. -Interests: sports (skiing, bicycle, mountain, swimming), music (guitar), volunteering

The prognostic importance of pulmonary pressure increase in early cardiovascular diseases

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Imaging

Session: Secondary prevention
