Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Marco Demaria

University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen (Netherlands (The))

Marco Demaria is an Associate Professor of Cellular Aging at the Medical Faculty of the University of Groningen, Netherlands. He obtained his PhD in Molecular Medicine at the University of Torino, Italy, and postdoctoral training in the laboratory of prof. Judith Campisi at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, California USA. He moved to the University of Groningen and the European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA) in September 2015 as Group leader of the laboratory “Cellular Senescence and Age-related Pathologies”. His research is focused towards understanding the cell non-autonomous functions of senescent cells, and to identify potential anti-senescence therapeutics to alleviate age-related conditions. He is the co-founder of the biotech company Cleara, dedicated to develop senotherapeutics. He is the President of the International Cell Senescence association (ICSA) and serves as Editor in Chief for npj aging.

Cellular senescence: from mechanisms to therapeutics

Event: HFA Winter Research Meeting on Translational Heart Failure 2023

Topic: Basic Science

Session: Cellular senescence as a cause and a therapeutic target in heart failure
