Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Glenn Reeves

John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle (Australia)

Dr Reeves' immunology background includes a strong interest in autoimmune conditions such as SLE & scleroderma. The heightened prevalence of PAH in these patients led him to establish, with cardiological colleagues, a multidisciplinary PAH team at John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, where ongoing clinical service and research continues. Current focus includes looking at the interaction between quality of life and "traditional" risk factors in determining outcomes in PAH; he is also principal investigator of a number of novel PAH therapeutic trials. Other interests include mathematics, philosophy, biostatistics and politics. Greatest focus is upon wife Sandy, growing list of descendents (11 grandchildren, and counting) and pushing the boundaries of Lake Macquarie in his humble boat.

Preliminary findings from a risk stratification, quality of life and burden of illness in pulmonary arterial hypertension pilot study

Event: ESC Asia 2022 with APSC & AFC

Topic: Clinical

Session: Pulmonary embolism and Pulmonary Hypertension


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