Speaker illustration

Doctor Gregoire Range

Hospital Louis Pasteur of Chartres, Chartres (France)

He is interventional cardiologist (IC) in General Hospital of Chartres, France, 80 km SE from Paris, since 1999. He has studied cardiology in Paris Faculty and done his fellowship of interventional cardiology (IC) in Montréal, Canada, in 1998 (ICM) He is member of French Society of Cardiology (SFC) and elected delegate of French Group of Atheroma and Interventional Cardiology (GACI) He is president of a regional association of interventional cardiologists (CRAC) in region Centre Val de Loir and architect of a regional multi-center CRAC registry since 2014. He is the medical coordinator of France PCI, the on-going french registry which is simply a national extension of CRAC regional registry. He is the director of a clinical research unit of cardiology. He is a member of the steering comitee of GRCI, the most important interventional congress of IC in France. This "geek" is involved in digital cardiology and created "ICRAC" application dedicated to STEMI pre hospital issue.

Data from registries: making the most of it

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: European Society of Cardiology

Session: Real-world data: from where and for what?


icrac app : ACS finally connected

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Acute Coronary Syndromes

Session: m-Health in Acute Coronary Syndromes
