Speaker illustration

Professor Olena Koval

SE Dnipropetrovsk medical academy, Dnipro (Ukraine)

Olena Koval, doctor of medical sciences, professor, professor at the department of internal diseases in Dnipro state medical academy. In 1995-1996 was trainy at the clinic Croix Rousse in Claude Bernard University (Lyon, France) and in 2000 at the Alhemeine Krankenhaus (Vienna, Austria). The main directions of the scientific researches are: atherosclerosis (AS), acute coronary syndromes (ACS), antithrombotic and statin therapy, and secondary prevention. She is the author of 317 scientific publications and co-author of Ukranian textbook “ Clinical immunology”. Prof Koval was awarded a special prize of Ukranian Cardiology association (1993); silver medal named academician P.L.Kapitsa of the Russian Academy of Scienses (1999) for the scientific invention №75, medal “For merits in health care” (2009,2016), Co-author of the Ukranian' s recommendations on “ Emergency care of the patients, receiving DOAC" (2018), on ACS (2014, 2016), stable CAD (2016), PE (2016).

Effectiveness and safety of ivabradin use in patients with acute ischemic heart failure (AIHF) requiring inotropic support


Topic: Acute heart failure (management)

Session: Acute heart failure


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