Speaker illustration

Mrs Francoise Steinbach

ESC Patient Forum, Brussels (Belgium)

A vice-président of the French Marfan patient organisation, a patient partner within the European reference network for rare vascular diseases with multi systemic manifestation's and a member of the ESC patient forum - Treasurer of the Marfan .Europe Network Experiential knowledge of sudden cardiac arrest following ventricular fibrillation, 2 open heart surgeries (Bentall and redux of Bentall) plus mitral valve replacement on a Marfanoid mitral apparatus, and annuloplasty on tricuspid valve plus patch between left ventricule and right atrium Defibrillator and pacemaker following atrioventricular block, permanent atrial fibrillation

The risk of AF ablation complications from the patient’s perspective

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Outcomes and Complications

Session: Complications in AF ablation
