Speaker illustration

Mr Federico Tancredi Magni

University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen (Netherlands (The))

Born in Milan, Italy, Federico attained his BSc in Medical Sciences (Molecular Medicine) at the University of Groningen (Groningen, the Netherlands) where he is completing his Master studies to become a Medical Doctor. Parallel to his studies, Federico as an MD/PhD student is currently conducting research in the field of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery and Cardiology at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Massimo Mariani, Prof. Dr. Michiel Rienstra, Dr. Yuri Blaauw, and Dr. Bart Mulder. His research activities focus on "Technological Advancements and Techniques in Ablation treatment of Atrial Fibrillation". Most recently, Federico co-authored articles in Europace, Open Heart, and JICE on Hybrid Ablation strategies and Pulsed Field Ablation for treatment of Atrial Fibrillation.

A multicenter evaluation of repeat ablation for atrial fibrillation in patients with isolated pulmonary veins: a Netherlands Heart Registration study

Event: EHRA 2024

Topic: Rhythm Control, Catheter Ablation

Session: Atrial fibrillation: ablation 2


Electrophysiological findings during re-do procedures after single-shot pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation with pulsed field ablation

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Rhythm Control, Catheter Ablation

Session: Atrial Fibrillation - Round 3 - Ablation 1


Initial experience with a novel pulsed field ablation catheter for ablation of atrial fibrillation: procedural findings and acute safety.

Event: EHRA 2022

Topic: Rhythm Control, Catheter Ablation

Session: ePosters Day 2
