Speaker illustration

Doctor Karina Formoso

INSERM - I2MC Metabolic and cardiovascular research institute, Toulouse (France)

Karina Formoso received her PhD in molecular biology and biotechnology in the National University of San Martin, Argentina, in 2016 under the direction of the Prof. Alberto Frasch and the PhD. Camila Scorticati. During this period she studied the function and the mechanism of action of the neuronal glycoprotein GPM6A. After she joined as a postdoctoral fellow to the group of Prof. Lutz Birnbaumer at the Catholic University of Argentina to study the sinaling pathways involved in TRPC channels. Nowadays she is involved in a project that focuses on determining the molecular pathways underlying cardiac aging, in particular senescence, in the heart. In particular her study evaluates the role of EPAC1 protein in cardiac pathophysiology in aging.

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