Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Varun Sundaram

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (United States of America)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr Sundaram is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Case Western Reserve University and Section Chief of Advanced Heart Failure at the US Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio. He completed his clinical training in internal medicine and cardiology in Cleveland, before moving to London to pursue clinical & research training in advanced heart failure. In 2020, he was awarded a PhD at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, where he focused on epidemiology of heart failure using nationwide electronic health care records from the United States, UK and Asia. He runs a team of post-doctoral scholars and research fellows with a specific focus on heart failure epidemiology (using EHR) and clinical trials. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Glasgow and a recipient of multiple awards including the Eric N Prystowsky Early Career Research award from the Heart Rhythm Society for his work on biventricular pacing in patients with very wide QRS

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist in obese heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF)

Session: Late breaking science: registries
