Speaker illustration

Professor Manuel Montero Perez Barquero

University Hospital Queen Sofia, Cordoba (Spain)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Professional position. Head of Section of Internal Medicine. Head of the Heart Failure Unit of Internal Medicine. Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Córdoba. Accredited by ANECA as Full Professor of Medicine (February 2016). Department of Internal Medicine. Reina Sofía University Hospital University of Cordoba. Spain. 2004-2008. National Coordinator of the Heart Failure group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI-IC). 2010-present Senior research member, Maimonides de Cordoba Biomedical Research Institute (IMIBIC), Spain. Since 2004, as National Coordinator of the Heart Failure (IC) group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, our main area of interest has been cardiovascular pathology in the elderly patient and particularly with Heart Failure. We are also very interested in the clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of patients with HF. In March 2008, we started a Heart Failure Registry (RICA), supported by the Heart Failure Working Group.

Heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction in patients admitted to internal medicine departments: findings the RICA registry.

Event: Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

Topic: Chronic pulmonary hypertension

Session: Rapid Fire 4 - Therapy and management
