Speaker illustration

Doctor Manuel Frias Vargas

Comillas Primary Health Center- Madrid - Madrid, Spain., Madrid (Spain)

Member of:

Manuel Frías Vargas Primary Care Physician. Primary Care Health Center Comillas, Madrid. Spain. Coordinator of vascular disease working group, Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians. Major Research Interest: atherosclerosis, primary prevention, ultrasound carotids, subclinical atherosclerosis, risk factor management. Crucial to cardiovascular prevention is to strengthen the participation of all health care workers in the avoidance and management of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. This is of particular importance for the involvement of primary practitioners that have a broad and direct contact with patients and populations.

Subclinical atherosclerosis: a risk marker in primary care?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021

Topic: Diagnostic Methods

Session: Essentials on subclinical atherosclerosis


High blood pressure profile and degree of control in a female cohort IBERICAN

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Hypertension

Session: Risk factors: others_Part 1
