ESC Journals
Patients with the Brugada type 1 ECG (Br type 1) without previous aborted sudden death (aSD) who do not have a prophylactic ICD constitute a very large population whose outcome is little known. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk of SD or aborted SD (aSD) in these patients.
We conducted a meta-analysis and cumulative analysis of seven large prospective studies involving 1568 patients who had not received a prophylactic ICD in primary prevention. Patients proved to be heterogeneous. Many were theoretically at low risk, in that they had a drug-induced Br type 1 (48%) and/or were asymptomatic (87%), Others, in contrast, had one or more risk factors. During a mean/median follow-up ranging from 30 to 48 months, 23 patients suffered SD and 1 had aSD. The annual incidence of SD/aSD was 0.5% in the total population, 0.9% in patients with spontaneous Br type 1 and 0.08% in those with drug-induced Br type 1 (
(i) In patients with Br type 1 ECG without an ICD in primary prevention, the risk of SD/aSD is low, particularly in those with drug-induced Br type 1; (ii) spontaneous Br type 1, f-SD, and syncope increase the risk. However, each of these risk factors individually has limited clinical usefulness, owing to their very low PPV; (iii) patients at highest risk are those with more than one risk factor.