ESC Journals
Pulsed field ablation (PFA) is a novel, non-thermal modality that selectively ablates myocardium with ultra-short electrical impulses while sparing collateral tissues. In a proof-of-concept study, the safety and feasibility of ventricular PFA were assessed using a prototype steerable, endocardial catheter.
Under general anaesthesia, the left and right ventricles of four healthy swine were ablated using the 12-Fr deflectable PFA catheter and a deflectable sheath guided by electroanatomic mapping. Using the study catheter, electrograms were recorded for each site and pre-ablation and post-ablation pacing thresholds (at 2.0 ms pulse width) were recorded in two of four animals. After euthanasia at 35.5 days, the hearts were submitted for histology. The PFA applications (
We demonstrate that endocardial PFA can be focally delivered using this prototype catheter to create homogeneous, myocardium-specific lesions.