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EACVI Teaching Course on CMR in Congenital and Paediatric Heart Disease

4 September - 6 September 2024
London (London, GB)

Organiser: European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)
Topic: Congenital Heart Disease
Level: Subspecialty


The course is designed for Clinical Cardiologists, Paediatric Cardiologists, Adult Congenital Heart Disease specialists and Radiologists, with an interest in CMR in congenital and paediatric heart disease.


The programme encompasses a mix of interactive lectures, video teaching, scanner optimisation and hands-on practical using dedicated workstations performed directly by attendees.

There will be a series of topic-based Core Sessions that will include an interactive lecture, anatomy specimen demonstration and hands-on cases related to the topic on dedicated workstations.

In total 15-20 cases will be shown which can be used for EACVI log-book accreditation pathways (both CMR and CMR CHD) provided the maximum number of course cases is not exceeded for accreditation purposes.

Access the programme.


  • Understand the morphology of selected forms of congenital heart disease
  • Understand imaging protocols used for congenital heart disease and how to optimise them
  • Recognise appearances of common surgical procedures
  • Understand treatment complications 
  • Understand volumetric and flow data related to intracardiac shunts and valve disease
  • Understand the physiology of common conditions in congenital heart disease

About the contributors

Professor Vivek Muthurangu

University College London, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Role: Course director

Doctor Oliver Tann

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Role: Course director

Professor Philipp Beerbaum

Hannover Medical School, Hannover (Germany)

Role: Speaker