British Heart Foundation, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
Jeremy Pearson was Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation from 2002-2022, and is now retired but retains a voluntary role helping the BHF's Research Impact team. His post-doctoral research career, working first at the Babraham Institute and then the MRC Clinical Research Centre in Harrow before moving to King’s College London in 1991, was as an endothelial cell biologist, and he became the UK’s first Professor of Vascular Biology on his move to KCL, where he still holds an Emeritus chair. He was elected as a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences in 2004 and as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2006. He became a fellow of the European Society for Cardiology in 2013, was the chair of the ESC Basic Science Council 2016-18, and co-ordinator of the Basic Science track at the ESC Congress 2018. He has been a member of the editorial board for Cardiovascular Research since 2008 and is now a Consulting Editor.