Great Debate: atrial fibrillation and heart failure - 'to ablate or not to ablate, that is the question'

calendar_month 30 August from 11:00 to 12:00
place Brussels
co_present Great Debates
ecg_heart Treatment

Marco Metra (University of Brescia - Brescia, Italy) MarcoMetra Sabine Ernst (Royal Brompton Hospital - London, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

More on the session

This session is available on demand with English and Chinese subtitles. This session has been identified by the ESC Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals particularly relevant for young professionals.

11:00 Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure: pro Speaker: Cecilia Marianne Linde (Karolinska Institute - Stockholm, Sweden) "LindeCecilia
11:15 Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure: con Speaker: Milton Packer (Baylor University Medical Center - Dallas, United States of America)
11:30 Atrial fibrillation ablation should be more widely used in heart failure - discussion Discussant: Johann Bauersachs (Hannover Medical School - Hannover, Germany) JBauersachsMD
About the event

At ESC Congress 2024, delve into groundbreaking research, learn about practice-chancing science and experience networking opportunities to accelerate your career and shape the future of cardiovascular medicine.

The Spotlight this year is 'Personalising Cardiovascular Care’; devoted to improving patient outcomes.

Wherever you are in the world, join worldwide experts on the journey to the heart of cardiology, in London or online.

place ExCel London
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