Hot off the press: heart failure-related cardiogenic shock

calendar_month 2 September from 15:15 to 16:15
place Copenhagen
co_present Symposium
ecg_heart Clinical

Guido Tavazzi (University of Pavia - Pavia, Italy) Mariell Jessup (American Heart Association - Dallas, United States of America) MariellJessup

More on the session

This session has been identified by the ESC Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals particularly relevant for young professionals.

15:15 Contemporary definition of heart failure-related cardiogenic shock Speaker: Ovidiu Chioncel (Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. C.C. Iliescu - Bucharest, Romania)
15:30 Heart failure-related cardiogenic shock: impact of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) on survival Speaker: Janine Poess (Heart Center of Leipzig - Leipzig, Germany)
15:45 Heart failure-related cardiogenic shock: impact of percutaneous left ventricular unloading Speaker: Nanna Louise Junker Udesen (Odense University Hospital - Odense, Denmark)
16:00 Hot off the press: heart failure-related cardiogenic shock - discussion Discussant: Nilesh Pareek (King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - London, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
About the event

At ESC Congress 2024, delve into groundbreaking research, learn about practice-chancing science and experience networking opportunities to accelerate your career and shape the future of cardiovascular medicine.

The Spotlight this year is 'Personalising Cardiovascular Care’; devoted to improving patient outcomes.

Wherever you are in the world, join worldwide experts on the journey to the heart of cardiology, in London or online.

place ExCel London
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