EAPC Premium Access

This programme is supported by Novo Nordisk in the form of an educational grant. The scientific programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor

Congress Presentation

6 more presentations in this session

This programme is supported by Novo Nordisk in the form of an educational grant. The scientific programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor


Assessing CV risk in patients with type 2 diabetes: SCORE-2 diabetes

Speaker: Professor E. Di Angelantonio (Cambridge, GB)


Assessing CV risk in patients with type 2 diabetes: lessons learned from imaging

Speaker: Professor J. Pitha (Prague, CZ)


Diabetes, microangiopathy and macroangiopathy: how are they related?

Speaker: Professor C. Stehouwer (Maastricht, NL)


Exercise in patients with T2D: how to manage

Speaker: Professor D. Hansen (Hasselt, BE)


Access the full session

Cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus: how to assess and, how to manage?

Speakers: Professor E. Di Angelantonio, Professor J. Pitha, Professor C. Stehouwer, Professor D. Hansen

About the event


ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

13 April - 15 April 2023

Sessions Presentations