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MicroRNA-155 promotes LPS-induced myocardial NO overproduction and amplifies cGMP-PKG signaling pathway by targeting CD47

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Francisco Vasques-Novoa

Faculty of Medicine University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)
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14 more presentations in this session

Inhibition of cardiac lymphangiogenesis in imatinib-induced cardiomyopathy

Speaker: Doctor D. Cappetta (Naples, IT)


New role of EPAC in the Anthracyclines-induced cardiotoxicity

Speaker: Doctor E. Morel (Chatenay Malabry Cedex, FR)


Doxorubicin inhibits protective autophagy through a PI3Kgamma/Akt/Ulk1 pathway downstream of TLR-9

Speaker: Doctor V. Sala (Turin, IT)


Galectin-3 inhibition prevents cardiac dysfunction in murine experimental type 3 cardio-renal syndrome

Speaker: Ms M. Prud'homme (Paris, FR)


Role of Galectin 3 in acute renal disease.

Speaker: Ms M. Genest (PARIS, FR)


Access the full session

Poster Session 4 - Basic science: Cancer and cytokines

Speakers: Doctor F. Vasques-Novoa, Doctor D. Cappetta, Doctor E. Morel, Doctor V. Sala, Ms M. Prud'homme...

About the event


Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

29 April - 2 May 2017

Sessions Presentations